On Tue, Aug 04, 2009 at 10:28:17AM -0400, Nicolas Pelletier wrote:
> When you say the results are in shreds, are you looking at the final stitch,
> or the fast preview?
> I got one stitch that (don't know why) will give extremely weird results in
> the fast preview.
> The regular preview gives better results in that case.
> As for the few control point way out, I'd recommend you open the control
> point dialog, look into the few that are too far, delete them once confirmed
> they are wrong. Then reoptimize.
> As for the exposure... not too sure.
> Hope this helps
> nick

as nick indicated, i've had similar experience where the opengl preview (seems 
be default now) presented a very distorted preview and led me to believe that 
there were issues with the pano, but when i switched to the 'regular' preview 
pano appeared normal. 

-- michael

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