Hi Joachim,
I responded to Gerry before seeing your post, so I've inlined my 
comments after following his suggestions.

J. Schneider wrote:
> Gerry Patterson schrieb:
>> Hello Doug,
>> ... Perhaps the following sequence will work:
>>    1. load both images into hugin.
>>    2. Under the lens tab ensure they have the same lens number assigned
>>       to both images.
> No, different lens numbers, because he accidentally changed the zoom. 
That would make sense - I couldn't see how to change the lens number and 
they were already assigned to 0 and 1

> But I wonder if the exif info isn't already correctly used by hugin. If 
> so the images should already be assigned no. 0 and no. 1.
>>    3. Create a few control points manually (say 5 or 6).  Ensure they
>>       are spread out across the images
>>    4. Under optimizer tab select "Positions and View (y,p,r,v)  The
>>       maximum error should very small.  As in less than 1.  ...
I set a half-dozen control points manually. After optimising, the 
maximum error was 0.06

> If handheld it might be greater but even a few pixels should often work 
> acceptably.
> Optimizing for v wouldn't give sensible results if both images share the 
> same lens number. If they don't you can check one of them to be 
> optimized and one to stay fixed.
> If exif values for focal length are used correctly by hugin, optimizing 
> for v would only correct for slight rounding errors in this transmitted 
> data or for movement of the camera back or forth between shots.

The remapped images were very crude and blocky; but as far as I could 
tell by overlaying them in Gimp or enfusing them, they were reasonably 
well aligned.
> regards
> Joachim
What's  the explanation?


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