i converted my project to jpg to upload.  it can be downloaded here:

i ran a test on the jpgs it stitches perfectly, just as i expected the
tifs to stitch.  this seems to indicate there there is something wrong
with tif input?  to run the test, i converted each tif to jpg, then
copied my pto file and did a global search and replace, replacing .tif
with .jpg.  i then opened the new pto file in hugin and stitched it.
the output was fine, no missed cropping so my tripod and camera mount
aren't showing the final image.  i also noticed the remapped images
were cropped properly using jpgs, while image 11 is not cropped
properly using tifs.

On Aug 13, 2:08 pm, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:
> On Wed 12-Aug-2009 at 15:33 -0700, slaterson wrote:
> >i am working on a 360x180 pano using a fisheye lens.  i have cropped
> >the nadir shot heavily as well as the bottom 'row' of photos to remove
> >the tripod.  when i show the pano in the preview window, everything
> >looks great.  when i stitch the pano the output has a huge chunk of
> >tripod and some of my toes included.
> Are you erasing data in the photos with an image editor or using the
> hugin Crop tab?
> Can you upload an image somewhere?  There is a minor bug in enblend
> where data hidden by alpha channel transparency in the first photo
> gets revealed in the final stitch, maybe you are seeing that.
> --
> Bruno
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