On Fri 14-Aug-2009 at 21:53 -0500, Gerry Patterson wrote:
>I noticed you also downsize your final result within Hugin.  I remember
>reading that nona's interpolaters weren't very good at downsizing and it was
>better to render to optimal size and then downsize in another application
>such as gimp or imagemagick that had better reducing interpolation
>routines.  Can someone confirm or deny this?

Yes nona isn't so good at downsizing, so you need to stitch at full 
size and scale in an image editor.

In reality the CCD resolution is effectively lower than the pixel 
resolution, so you can always stitch digital camera photos at 60% or 
so without losing much.  It will vary depending on camera, but I 
would expect to start seeing aliasing artefacts if you stitch a 
panorama below around 40% of full size.


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