Bart van Andel wrote:
>> [...] I rather think that we will
>> have one separated list for notifications (tracker and commits), and one
>> separated list for talk (which can very well be hugin-ptx if the users
>> tolerate more dev talk).
> As a user with an interest in coding and algorithms, I'm pretty happy
> with the way the hugin-ptx list is working right now, but the approach
> mentioned above seems fair. Since I'm reading all the list messages
> through the Google Groups interface [0], everything gets grouped
> properly already, and a few extra messages to read or decline won't
> hurt.
As a simple user I like the hugin-ptx list the way it is 
now. Though much of the dev talk is above me it gives me a 
good idea of the way things are going and whether I should 
be thinking of upgrading, the sorts of problems I could come 
across in using whichever version of hugin - so I'm not 
completely thrown when they turn up - and a feel for the way 
hugin works, which helps in using it.

Eliminating the stuff I don't want to read is really not a 


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