Hi Mac users,

I just published a new 32bit Hugin 2009.2 beta3a bundle. This release is
equivalent to svn 4381.
*Note: This build features the new Autopano generator options as built by
Thomas Modes and now ported to MacOSX to provide greater flexibility in
AutoCP generator options.*
It will make things a little more complicated, but gives you great

You need to copy the Hugin.app the way you always do: no changes there.
Download either or both the new "Hugin 2009 ControlPoint Generators". They
are just the old reliable panomatic and autopano-sift-c but not any longer
as plugins but as "naked" binaries. The Controlpoint.dmg's contain an
installer that copies the binary to the same directory where the plugins

When you start Hugin, go to preferences and to the "Control Point Detectors"
Here you can add panomatic and/or Autopano-SIFT-C. It is now possible to
create different configurations based on the same generator.
panomatic default parameters: -o %o %i

autopano-sift-c default parameters: --maxmatches %p %o %i
autopano-sift-c 120+ images: --maxmatches %p %o %s
For autopano-sift-c you might want to experiment with ransac: for fisheye
lenses don't use it. for normall lenses you might experiment by adding
"--ransac 1" to the parameters.

Note: Don't forget to set a "default" generator otherwise your assistpanel
will no longer work.

Please test and give some feedback.

Information and binaries via my website
(The binaries itself are, as always, served from hugin.panotools.org who
kindly provide the disk space and bandwidth).


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