
As for luminance optimization, so long as you don't hit optimize in the
photometric panel you should be ok.  At least as far as I understand

The parameters you should be optimizing are y,p,r, and v for each image with
the exception of the anchor.  Do not start optimizing the a,b,c or the shift
params: d and e.

What is your maximum error after the optimization process?  It should be
very low if you want acceptable results.   I have used align_image_stack and
enfuse to do a focus stack on a brown striped scorpion a while back.  In my
case, the results were quite good.

If you would like, you can send the images along with the pto file off list
and I can compare results I get with you.

Best Regards,

- Gerry

If you would like you can try e-mailing your images off list and I try to.

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 4:44 PM, John Isner <john.is...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Gerry,
> Thank you for your answer.  I was able to get a decent output by running
> align_image_stack and enfuse from the command line, as described in the
> tutorial.  However my original purpose in posting to this forum was to find
> out if it is possible to use the GUI frontend for this.  From your answer, I
> understand that the answer is yes.  And so I am following your instructions
> carefully.  However I cannot get a good output.  I am probably doing
> something wrong.
> Here is what I did:
> Add four images
> Press "New lens" for each image and enter the identical  focal length
> (55mm) and crop factor (1.5)
> IN THE IMAGES TAB (again).....
> Press "Create control points"   (60 control points were added)
> Choose "Optimize the Custom parameters below" and check view (v) for lenses
> 1, 2, and 3 (I left the anchor lens 0 unchecked).
> NOTE: I do not see a "v prime" parameter.  The only lens parameters are
> view (v), distortion (a), barrel (b), distortion (c), x-shift (d), and
> y-shift (e).
> ALSO NOTE: I left the y, p, and r checkboxes checked for images 1, 2, and 3
> (and unchecked for image 0)
>    1. Under Output / Exposure Blending, check "Blended panorama (enfuse)"
>    2. Enter the following Options for enfuse:  --wExposure=0
>    --wSaturation=0 --wContrast=1 --HardMask
>    3. Press "Stitch now"
> In the output image, there are strong halos (light rings?) around all the
> edges.   So I must be doing something wrong.  Or perhaps this is the problem
> pointed out by Y. Tennevin (below).   But being a Hugin dummy, I have no
> idea how to control luminance optimization through the front end.
> On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Gerry Patterson 
> <thedeepvo...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 9:56 AM, John Isner <john.is...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Let me rephrase my original question:  Can focus stacking be done using
>>> only the GUI front end (hugin.exe)?
>>> Let me rephrase my answer:
>>> Align_image_stack does the following:
>>>    1. creates control points
>>>    2. determines the best alignment and (in your case) field of view for
>>>    each image by optimizing the error of between the control points of the
>>>    images to a minimum
>>>    3. writes out the remapped images
>>> Enfuse does the following:
>>>    1. fuse the input images based on what ever options you pass it.
>>> You will need to perform the same operations in the GUI.  Specifically,
>>> ensure each image is given its own lens and optimize the 'v' parameter for
>>> each image with the exception of the anchor image.
>>> If you are looking for a short answer, I don't have one for you.  Perhaps
>>> someone else does, and will give you a quick yes/no.  In the mean time....
>>> - Gerry
> >

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