Hoi Harry,

Harry van der Wolf wrote:
> I've already found out that this doesn't work on OSX (cmake and XCode) and
> not on my Ubuntu. I suppose the $DISPLAY_VERSION only works in windows. In
> the OSX bundle I modify the about.htm in xrc/data manually. for my own cmake
> build I don't care.

as Terry reported, it works on Linux as well.

in case you want to look at it for OSX, it is in the root CMakeLists.txt 
file, around lines 22 to 53.

it first check if the folder is an SVN checkout (line 25)

lines 26 to 36 are for Windows, and lines 37 to 44 do the same for 
Linux. They determine the SVN revision number and write it to a rev.txt 
file in the root folder.

then that file is used to append the revision to the major/minor/patch 
version displayed.

this is not perfect, but good enough for most cases to give us an idea 
against what revision bugs are reported.

where it can still be improved:
- if I check out an older version or a tag today, and build from it, it 
will report today's svn number. which means that all self-built tags in 
the current release cycle report the same version number, making that 
report not so useful. I intended to look at a way to improve this, but 
it is very low priority.


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