Carl von Einem wrote:
> I always prefer (if possible) to save masks as paths

me too.

>> -------- Original Message --------
>> In any case, below is how I would integrate masking into my workflow. 
>> Please understand this is one case, and an example only.
>>     1. capture images
>>     2. convert raw to tiff (or some other lossless format)
>>     3. load images into hugin
>>     4. load stored lens data, (crop circle and distortion params)
>>     5. create control points
>>     6. pairwise optimize to get rough position
>>     7. mask out problem/undesired areas.
>>     8. cleanup/tweak control points (reoptimizing as necessary)
>>     9. generate final output

I rather have 7 before 5, although it is an iterative process 
(especially if you want to consider positive masking as well).

>> Below is what I do now:
>>     1. capture images
>>     2. convert raw to tiff (or some other lossless format)
>>     3. load images into gimp, mask out areas I don't want. (tripod, pano
>>     head)
>>     4. load images into hugin
>>     5. load stored lens data, (crop circle and distortion params)
>>     6. create control points
>>     7. pairwise optimize to get rough position
>>     8. realize there are other places I want/need to mask out.
>>     9. Determine which images I need to edit mask by using the preview
>>     window.
>>     10. save and exit hugin
>>     11. reload images into gimp and update the mask again
>>     12. load the previously saved project in hugin
>>     13. cleanup/tweak control points (reoptimizing as necessary)
>>     14. generate final output

sounds very similar to what I do, although I don't doo pairwise 
optimization - I lay the images out roughly based on the shooting 
pattern. Probably pairwise CP detection and optimization would increase 
the speed and accuracy of my process if scripted/automated but I have 
not taken the time to do so - results are sufficient when detecting and 
optimizing the whole thing.

>> In this case, I thought adding the masking interface to the crop tab 
>> would be the best place, as one is attempting to acomplish basically the 
> I'd prefer an interface for masking that can display two different
> images side by side, e.g. the CP editor tab. That way I can quickly
> decide which parts in one image are better that parts in another.

indeed, I think this is the reason why Fahim implemented it in preview 
mode - makes it easier to decide which parts in one image are better 
than parts in another; enable to deal with distortions at zenith and 
nadir (change the perspective / view to something convenient, do the 
masking; change it back) and enables positive masking (apply the mask's 
shape to all underlying images - in positive and negative as necessary).

>> Positive masking would be some what tricky since, as far as I know, the 
>> only way to guarantee an area of one image will definately appear is to 
>> apply a negative mask to all of the overlapping images of the area.  Is 
>> that correct?
> You could also order the images in a different way (move up or down in
> images tab) which somehow makes a difference for enblend. I'd love to be
> able to control that behaviour better, e.g. by using positive masking.

image ordering is not as effective as proper positive masking - for 
which I also see "apply negative mask to all of the overlapping images 
of the area" as the only way to guarantee it, as Gerry stated.

>> Would a few people please give me some examples of how they would like 
>> to use masking within Hugin?
> Today I often enough have to edit masks of images that are already
> loaded in a hugin project. To see the difference I need to newly load
> the whole project. I'd prefer a button in the preview window that allows
> to just reload all images (or maybe also just one).

keep them coming

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