Carl von Einem wrote:
>> Carl von Einem wrote:
>>>> Would a few people please give me some examples of how they would like 
>>>> to use masking within Hugin?
>>> Today I often enough have to edit masks of images that are already
>>> loaded in a hugin project. To see the difference I need to newly load
>>> the whole project. I'd prefer a button in the preview window that allows
>>> to just reload all images (or maybe also just one).
> Maybe it's not such a good idea to add yet another button to the preview
> window.
> As a possible interface I'd suggest a pop-up window just like the CP
> list (instead of F3 maybe option+F3), only with a list of loaded images.

I think there are two separate issues here: one is editing the mask and 
the other is updating the images in the project to make the edits visible.

Abstracting for a moment if a pop-up or an extra-tab (I prefer the 
latter), the current status of the masking [editor] is a list of 
(loaded) images, exactly like the preview - it actually "borrowed" its 
user interface, which should make it convenient e.g. to see where the 
selected mask lands on an underneath picture by activating / 
deactivating pictures in the tabs.

> When that window is opened it compares the time stamp of the actual file
> on disk with the time stamp of the originally loaded version. One
> 'update' button to reload the marked image file, also one 'update all
> modified files' button would be great.
> I have a screenshot from a similar window that is used in QuarkXPress.

If I understand the mockup correctly, we don't really need it (sorry). 
An appropriate update mechanism can and should be automated.

Currently, opening a project is a relatively fast operation when the 
preview window is closed. The cost of this operation is that when I 
click on the preview button for the first time, it loads each individual 
image (look at the status bar); and this takes a lot of time (on my 
dyno-book 1.6GHz 2GB RAM 5400RPM HDD it took long enough to load 23 
images that I almost finished this paragraph in the meantime).

The logic does not require human intervention, just a smarter image 
cache that
a) load the images automatically in the background (assuming there is 
enough image cache memory. if it reaches the limit, it should test if 
more memory is available in the system and suggest to the user to change 
the preferences setting - currently the default is 75MB).
b) is triggered by actions, such as editing a mask, to reload the image 
automatically - no human intervention here
c) checks in the background for changes by external program (i.e. the 
timestamp check you suggest) and reloads if necessary (or warns if the 
image is no longer available).

I think the only way to implement (c) is with a timer - I am not aware 
of the possibility to "watch" a file for changes. But checking 
timestamps should not be too time consuming, so doing it once a minute 
or so should be enough.


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