Bart van Andel wrote:
> usability is not universal: different users like
> different approaches.

ever visited a usability lab? usability is hard facts and has nothing to 
do with likes or dislikes.

user interaction is analyzed and dissected in detail. and the resulting 
rules, while depending on the context, are nearly universal.

for example times are measured, in millisecond, that it takes to an 
average user (obtained through broad enough sampling) to understand the 
interface, to activate the control, to complete a task.

success and failure to complete a task are measured and justified.

the learning curve (i.e. from newbie to expert) is visualized. what it 
takes to be an expert is defined; and usually it is leveled down to 
increase the comfort of the average user.

the goals are:
- tangible improvements to the user interaction: shorter times, fewer 
clicks, faster and easier access to functionality
- easier learning curve: an environment that keeps the user within 
boundaries that make him feel safe while enabling all the functionalities.

sometimes there are trade-offs - e.g. some boundaries may make the 
newbie user feel comfortable but are a limiting factor to the expert 
user; and such trade-offs warrant a preference.

this is not the case here. I see no advantage to the flipping other than 
a show off another useless feature. It slows down the newbie without 
offering any tangible improvement to the expert user.

show me a tangible improvement and we can *talk* of a preference.


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