J. Schneider wrote:
> Shouldn't the English text be "Top boundary *value* must ..." ? Anyway 
> now I understand and I will translate accordingly.

Afaik it can be omitted and is understood by context. But I'm not a 
native English speaker.

> One more question:
> "Checking for outlying control points": What is outlying exactly? 
> Outside an image? Outside an image area where it would belong?

outlying outside of the statistic normal distribution.

> By the way, is there a new feature to remove absurd cps?


> Did I miss a thread on the list?

I don't know if there was a specific thread, but it has been mentioned a 
number of time when discussing the integration queue. Thomas Modes 
submitted it as a patch into the patch tracker IIRC.

> There is a statistical method mentioned. I did not see anything of a 
> logical method (like "if cp 1 is lft of cp 2 in img 1 it can't be right 
> of it in img 2"). To me as a non-programmer this seems to be the most 
> obvious approach.

the approach is different. it is tried and tested (Bruno's ptoclean in 
Panotools::Script). It is not a logical method like the one you describe 
above, which would have a problem: you know that the two CP's can't be 
right together, but which one is right and which one is wrong?

It identifies the kind of situation describe above by statistically 
comparing each points with the whole cloud of points, and removing those 
that are more than two standard deviations apart.

thanks for the updated German translation


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