I think that once you know the  mythological origins of the name
(which I must admit I only learned recently from someone here)
having something that suggests a raven in the icon is appealing.  For
me the stylised "h" has some echo of a flying raven about it and that
is something strongly  in its favour.  Also I like the horizontal
rectangle as invoking a conventional panorama,

So for those reasons I would favour:
   C2  and D2

all the best


On 20 Oct, 22:21, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:
> On Tue 20-Oct-2009 at 14:12 -0400, Yuval Levy wrote:
> >http://hugin-ptx.googlegroups.com/web/hug_icon+%282%29.svg
> >my preference so far is A4 for Hugin and B4 for the Batch stitcher, and
> >I could live with them as they are now. What do others think?
> Me too, I like the single figure on the panorama background (A4 & A5 & C4 &
> C5).  The repeating figure in B4 does make a lot of sense to
> distinguish the Batch Processor.
> >from my perspective, what we still need is the handwritten "Hugin" under
> >the large version of the icon (e.g. in the "about" menu point.
> Agreed.
> --
> Bruno
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