Hi Thomas,

2009/10/26 T. Modes <thomas.mo...@gmx.de>

> Hi
> > And next to that: the mentioned autopano is a (by now) somewhat older
> > program and only available for/on windows. You can use it on on Linux and
> > OSX if your run a windows version of hugin and autopano via wine.
> > It has already been suggested several times to remove the option from
> hugin
> > to reduce confusion, but there is still a number of devoted windows users
> > that use autopano.
> >
> That's not fully correct. There is also a native linux version of
> autopano.

I didn't know that.

> > A better suggestion might be to make it a "conditional compilation" step
> > like: If Windows { display autopano as option} else {don't display}
> > This shouldn't be too difficult for a programmer.
> Something similar is done. It works on windows and linux. On Mac,
> where autopano is not available, there comes a message box, when you
> choose to use autopano and switch automatically back to autopano-sift.
> Thomas

You did a great job and I do not give you the credit you deserve. Shame on

You are right in that there are two options in the CP generator pane. I
never choose autopano because I know it's not available on OSX. I now
selected it on purpose and it works  just the way you describe.
Very nice.

Thank you !


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