On 31 Oct, 00:59, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> namklim wrote:
> > The project.pto file for the images in the long path directory works
> > without any problems when run with the Ubuntu version of Hugin.
> you may want to 
> checkhttp://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_FAQ#Special_Characters_in_Paths
> while some special characters are better supported in some O/S than
> others, this is not dependent on Hugin and to stay on the safe side, the
> above listed characters should be avoided. At some point we may
> introduce checks to refuse some of them in the project files.
> Yuv

I haven't added any control characters. The path is a normal Windows

The .pto.mk file was generated by Hugin and it appears Hugin has added
the extra character (if that is the problem?).

As I said, the batch processor works without any changes.

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