On 29 Oct, 14:30, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> namklim wrote:
> > On Oct 26, 8:08 am, allard <a...@allardkatan.net> wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >> I made an installer package for Hugin on 32-bit windows
> > When I try to stitch with Stitch Now I get the error
> > make: *** No rule to make target `F:\Documents and Settings\me\My
> > Documents\My Pictures\2009\10\2009-10-27\', needed by
> > `test1_exposure_layers_0000.tif'.  Stop.
> is it possible that you entered an empty string when asked for the
> output prefix?
> Yuv

No that wasn't the problem (I also had a private e-mail from someone
else who had the same problem)

I think the problem may be due to extra characters in the
project.pto.mk file
As an example with the images in a directory with a long path
containing spaces I get the following in the .pto.mk file:

# first input image
INPUT_IMAGE_1=F:\Documents\ and\ Settings\fredd\My\ Documents\My\
Pictures\2009\10\2009-10-27\\ 20091027_PA276768_E510.JPG

where there is an extra (space ?) control character after ...
\10\2009-10-27\ and before the jpg filename
and the file gives the same error as above.

whereas with images in a directory with a short path I get in
the .pto.mk file:

# first input image
INPUT_IMAGE_1=C:\test\ folder\P1.JPG

with no control character before the jpg filename and the Stitch Now

The project.pto file for the images in the long path directory works
without any problems when run with the Ubuntu version of Hugin.
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