Does this URL work for you?


I wonder where you get that copyright symbol '(c)' from... could you
describe what you do, maybe upload a screenshot?


namklim schrieb am 18.01.10 13:23:
> On Jan 18, 10:06 am, allard <> wrote:
>> After some release candidates with errors and some positive tests of
>> the last candidate I decided to release the Windows installer for
>> Hugin 2009.4. It ships with the latest enblend release (4.0). It is
>> uploading to SourceForge as I am typing this.
> I'm still getting the error:
> Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol
> (c) isn't associated with any program.
> when I try any of the following:
> Help | Help
> Help | FAQ
> Help | Keyboard Shortcuts
> The Help | Donate link does launch a web page
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