I am sorry but I would be sorely disappointed with a Hugin Windows release that writes to the registry. It means that I probably would not be able to install it. Due to IT policy where I work all registry access is denied. The only way I have been able to install and run Hugin is with VBA running in an Excel workbook. It has been two years since I applied to have Hugin declared a sanctioned application. I have been able to install Hugin via Excel or using thumb drive transport without any difficulty with all the installer methods so far and so I do not understand what all this commotion is regarding the Windows install and needing to write to the registry.


On Jan 18, 2010, at 3:06 AM, allard wrote:

After some release candidates with errors and some positive tests of
the last candidate I decided to release the Windows installer for
Hugin 2009.4. It ships with the latest enblend release (4.0). It is
uploading to SourceForge as I am typing this.

Furthermore, it features a new gimmick, which is that it creates a
registry key that can be used by future installers to find the hugin
install directory. This can be used to create installers for plugins
or partial releases (such as newer versions of enblend, or control
point generators), making it very easy for users to update or add
parts without having to completely install a new version. I didn't put
any other functionality in that yet, because I don't know how the
registry is currently used exactly, but I think these kind of things
may help to make hugin more modular on Windows, and  want to encourage
all developers to work towards that goal.

I worked a bit on the installer scripts so it should be easier for
other users to create intallers, and also created an example one for
the plugins. Those changes will be committed to the trunk asap.

cheers, Allard
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