Harry, Pablo & others,

I'm at a loss here. Does this require other files from vigra than a
build of hugin? The cmake patch does not find the vigra package. I've
tried downloading vigra 1.6 and building the library (changing it to a
static lib, no clue if that works the way I did it), but CMake won't
tell me it has found vigra. I tried overriding the package finder and
putting the paths in manually but that doesn't work either, at least I
get tons of error messages, which seem to be related to vigra if I use
the (renamed) huginvigraimpex.lib from my hugin build or unrelated to
vigra if I use the renamed vigraimpex_dll.lib that I built from the
downloaded source.

As usual I'm just touching around in the dark, could somebody give me
a hint?


On Jan 15, 5:31 am, Harry van der Wolf <hvdw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm sorry. I went much too fast. I made the Find module as a lunch
> "practice" and that part works, but I completely forgot to modify the
> CMakeLists.txt files to use the results from my module.
> Please find attached the "version 2" patch.
> Harry
> 2010/1/15 Harry van der Wolf <hvdw...@gmail.com>
> > Hi all,
> > 2010/1/15 allard <a...@allardkatan.net>
> > I can't get it to work yet.
> >> A few steps further already, the changes Pablo made worked out, except
> >> that the "ifdef MSVC" around the USE_MATH_DEFINES was not picked up
> >> somehow, I had to comment it.
> >> I also had to download pthread and use NODEFAULTLIB on msvcprt.lib,
> >> LIBCMT.lib and libcmpt.lib to avoid conflicts with vigraimpex and each
> >> other.
> >> But now I get a load of unresolved external symbol errors. I think the
> >> last two things have something to do with the vigraimpex.lib. I tried
> >> the downloaded release and the one from my hugin builds but neither
> >> would work.
> > I created a patch that searches for vigra. It means that you no longer need
> > I patched the CMakeLists.txt and added a FindVIGRA.cmake module in
> > CMakeModules.
> > It works for OSX and should work on all linuxes (but untested). As I know
> > absolutely nothing of windows it is only an  "educated guess" for that
> > platform.
> > I hope Pablo improves the win32 stuff of the FindVIGRA.cmake module.
> > Inside panomatic-lib do "patch -p0 < findvigra.diff"
> > Harry
>  findvigra_v2.diff
> 4KViewDownload
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