> I'm at a loss here. Does this require other files from vigra than a
> build of hugin? The cmake patch does not find the vigra package. I've
> tried downloading vigra 1.6 and building the library (changing it to a
> static lib, no clue if that works the way I did it), but CMake won't
> tell me it has found vigra. I tried overriding the package finder and
> putting the paths in manually but that doesn't work either, at least I
> get tons of error messages, which seem to be related to vigra if I use
> the (renamed) huginvigraimpex.lib from my hugin build or unrelated to
> vigra if I use the renamed vigraimpex_dll.lib that I built from the

I have sucessfull build panomatic-lib with hugins vigraimpex on
windows. But there was more manual tweaking of the project files
necessary. With an external vigra 1.6 I had not yet sucess. It
compiled, but then it did not run correctly (it was not able to read
the files.)
So there is some more work with the cmake system to do until it works
out of the box.

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