Just to close this topic, I've submitted a feature request (#2939561)
to support this capability inside Hugin (no standalone tools
required). Text follows.



The Problem: Small stitcher errors caused by nodal point errors, poor
choice of control points, and/or motion can often be corrected in
Photoshop using layers and masks if the exposure corrected, remapped
source images are available. For "Normal" output, these are kept if
the "Remapped images" option is enabled. However, for "Exposure
fusion:Fused and blended panorama", the "Remapped images" option only
keeps the uncorrected remapped images, i.e., the input to the enfuse
process. The corrected images (i.e., projectName_stack_ldr_N files )
are designated temporary and erased when the blending process is
complete. This precludes fixing the seam errors in Photoshop.

WorkAround: The desired files are actually produced as part of the
stitching process. Using a standalone copy of the Hugin_tools (I got
mine from Harry van der Wolf's website), the project file can be run
through a "pto2mk" and "make all" process to generate the desired
files. (I created a scriptlet that you can drag and drop a project
file on to automate this process.) Any unnecessary temporary files
must then be removed manually. The disadvantages of the workaround are
obvious: additional manual steps and downloading of the standalone
tools which wouldn't otherwise be necessary.

Feature Request: Add support to the GUI stitcher tab so that the
projectName_stack_ldr_N files are retained. Some possibilities:
a) Add additional "Exposure fusion" checkbox to retain exposure
corrected, remapped images when "Fused and blended panorama" is
b) Extend semantics of current "Exposure fusion:Remapped images"
checkbox to also save projectName_stack_ldr_N files when "Fused and
blended panorama" is selected.
c) Use "Normal:Remapped Images" checkbox to enable saving of
projectName_stack_ldr_N files when "Exposure  fusion:Fused and blended
panorama" is selected. (This is my least favourite option due to
potential user confusion and should probably only be done in the
context of a redesign of the "Output" GUI.)

On Jan 20, 5:50 pm, Rick Workman <ridgewo...@mac.com> wrote:
> OK, I think I've sorted this out. I've installed Hugin_tools from
> Harry's web site so I can run pto2mk on the project file and then run
> make on the result as suggested. Not particularly user friendly but
> I'll try and put a wrapper around it to make it easier.
> I'd still like to see this supported through the GUI somehow, but this
> will work for now.
> Rick
> On Jan 20, 4:29 pm, Rick Workman <ridgewo...@mac.com> wrote:
> > On Jan 19, 5:19 pm, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:> On Tue 
> > 19-Jan-2010 at 08:26 -0800, Rick Workman wrote:
> > > >Maybe I'm not communicating this well, but they appear to exist
> > > >temporarily as *_stack_ldr_* files, e.g., test_stack_ldr_0000.tiff,
> > > >during the process, but the cleanup throws them away. So I'd just like
> > > >an option (or parameter setting) that doesn't delete them.
> > > Selecting 'remapped images' should keep these files, but it doesn't
> > > keep everything.
> > So my conclusion is that it doesn't currently keep the files I want,
> > and there's no way to configure Hugin to do so..
> > > If you stitch on the command-line with 'make', nothing is deleted:
> > >    make -f project.pto.mk all
> > > Running 'make clean' will then delete all intermediate files:
> > >    make -f project.pto.mk clean
> > Can you point me at what I need, in addition to the Hugin Mac binary I
> > have have already installed? Also is there any doc/tutorial that will
> > tell me how to do this? My terminal skills are a bit rusty.
> > Rick

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