On Apr 25, 3:25 pm, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:
> Just to clarify: the individual remapped images are ok, but the
> merged stack is where you see the streaks?

yes, the individual remapped images are ok.  three exr images are
output for remapping (along with a pgm 'gray' image) for each stack.
all of these images open and display ok.

> It isn't clear if your image is an LDR 'exposure fused' output
> created by enfuse? or if it is a HDR created by Hugin (with
> hugin_hdr_merge), that you have tonemapped before uploading?

i am not sure which tool is being used.  the merged image that i
uploaded is directly from hugin, i didn't see enfuse start but then
again i wasn't paying very close attention to hugin when it was
running this test.  my steps to generate this:

1) load my pto file in hugin
2) select 'remapped merged stacks' and 'remapped images' from the HDR
Merging output options on the stitch tab of hugin
3) press the stitch button

once the images were created and hugin was done, i tried opening each
one in luminance hdr.  (i don't have any other application that will
view exr images, if you can recommend one i'll try to install it.)
luminance hdr displays the exr without tonemapping, but it is a bit
dark so i went into the tonemapper to brighten it up a bit.  the
streaking was not changed or affected at all.

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