2010/5/18 Yuv <goo...@levy.ch>

>  For platforms without package manager (e.g. Windows
> and OSX) I'd be tempted to use the changeset ID to name the installer
> - however it is not very user friendly to ask them to report an eight
> digits hex number.  An alternative would be builder & rev-r (e.g.
> Hugin-2010.1.0.4033-Harry) with builder being a proxy for the repo
> from which it was built.  Maybe there is a possibility to tap into the
> [ui] username variable inside .hgrc and make a shortened string out of
> it.  The first two digits of each word excluding the email address, so
> in my case it would become Hugin-2010.1.0.YuLe-4033 and in your case
> it would become Hugin-2010.1.0.KoBe-4033.  It is easier to explain a
> package manager warning with "you used a package from another builder"
> than with "mercurial internals and our less than perfect build have
> given it an out of sequence number".
> Yuv

My builds (or those from Skip Gaede or who else might build via XCode)
mentioned the following in the splash screen:

Hugin <major version>.<minor version>.<patch>-svn<SVN revision> built by
<builder name>
so automatically resolved (by some scripting that is):
Hugin 2010.1.0-svn5156 built by Harry van der Wolf

Since yesterday they mention:

Hugin 2010.1.0.a0de66c7eb13 built by Harry van der Wolf

Due to this mail exchange I now see that I use the wrong version stamp. I
will change that to:
 Hugin 2010.1.0.4033 built by Harry van der Wolf

(from parent: 4033:a0de66c7eb13 tip)

Remains the fact that we now go from svn number 5156 (my last bundle) to
e.g. hg version 4033 or so in my new build (not yet there). I need to
explain that on my website and remove all older builds to prevent confusion
due to version numbers.


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