On Mon 24-May-2010 at 04:13 -0700, Jasper Aorangi wrote:

I understand where prealigned/control point generation comes in. I was using it in conjunction with panomatic, and having to call it through a wrapper script to pass it the file list as per:
Should this have worked better?

This workaround shouldn't be necessary if you have autopano-sift-C 2.5.1, you can use these parameters in the Preferences (the list of input photos is supplied within a temporary file):

    Program: autopano-sift-c
Parameters: --maxmatches %p %o %s
Also completed a trial using imagemagic to mask the coloudy bits and the lower foreground (i.e letterbox 8) did control point detection etc. on three images at a time, and combining them as you suggested with pto_merge. The output from this was worse unfortunatley. 57 disconnected regions vs 35 from hugin.

It is difficult to say without seeing the project. Can you open any of these three-photos project files in Hugin and see anything wrong?

> The 'align' button in the Assistant tab will adjust the 'b' > parameter automatically, which is usually sufficient. If you > are using the optimiser tab then you get to pick exactly which > parameters to optimise.

That is the question tho. what parameters should I optimize? I have a linear panorama, all points should be good, and no matter what optimization I do I get nothing like what I would expect. all images are lumped together. Henc I revert to asking the gurus 8).... what is *supposed* to work for linear panorama? (bearing in mind it was a 10-22mm Canon efx (1.6x) lense at 11mm so lots of distortion).

For a linear panorama where the camera changes positions, the subject is a flat surface (like a mural), and the initial estimate of field of view is approximately right. With the current Hugin trunk, you only need to optimise 'Positions and translation'. After that you can try optimising 'barrel and view' too and see if this improves things.


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