
2010/10/31 Andreas Metzler <ametz...@downhill.at.eu.org>

> Hello,
> on unix* hugin stores functions used by multiple executables in
> private shared libs. This is done to minimize the size of
> executables.
> However afaict these libraries are not supposed to be used by programs
> outside hugin. Nobody seems to be responsible for defining and
> monitoring a public interface. The libraries are not versioned. Stuff
> should just work for hugin.
> This is not to be read as criticism, I am just trying to provide a
> rationale why I think the libraries are private.
> Anyway, how about making this fact [1] a little bit more official by
> moving the libs to a private subdirectory ($libdir/hugin) and using
> rpath?
> Suggested patch attached.
> cu andreas
> [1] "If you use these shared libraries in your external program you
> may keep both pieces when it breakes.  Recompilation after every new
> hugin release will probably be necessary. The API and ABI may change
> without notice in an incompatible way (symbols removed, size of struct
> changed, etc.) from one release to the next."
> --
This patch will fail on OSX as OSX doesn't support rpath. What's more: it
will require extra (manual) steps (or scripted shell like includes) to
correct it for the entire build using the install_name or libtool (not the
same as the standard GNU libtool). I need to check further to see if it can
be done automatically.

If this patch is to be applied before I have found a solution, it should be
something like "if UNIX and !__APPLE__".


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