On 23 Nov., 20:34, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> I am sorry to read that the OpenID procedure was a pointless detour.  Since I
> already had an SF account when I linked my OpenID to it, my experience was
> completely different.  Had I known that I was sending you to such a dreadful
> nightmare, I would not have recommended you to go this way.

Well, calling it a dreadful nightmare is probably a bit over the top.
But creating the openID to get a SF account does not work. And it's
even quite logical, now that I think about it - after all openID ist
just an identifying service, and unless LP and SF had some sort of
mutual ageement, which is highly unlikely considering their different
t&cs, there is no way I should automatically be able to upload to SF
even if I have a LP account.

Nevermind, I'll get through the legalese and find a way to publish/
share. I'm probably silly being scared of SF's t&cs, after all they're
our allies, aren't they?

It's a shame google won't allow upload of files to the group anymore
(if I understood that correctly), that would have been the easiest was
to get the thing out.

So just bear with me. I hope I won't be long getting something sorted.

with regards

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