On 23 Nov., 20:34, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:

> well, if the legalese is what bothers you; and you have already been through
> LP's legalese... try there?

Okay, here's what happened: I reread SFs t&cs, couldn't get myself to
agree to them, reread launchpad's, found them fair enough and
acceptable. So I set up a branch at launchpad and uploaded the status
quo of my pto parser. The download link is, if I understood everything


Please let me know if this link doesn't work.
Now this is just a first step. If any of you is really interested,
don't hesitate to download the file, play with it and give me
feedback. Currently it doesn't do much, but one thing it does is
recreate it's input best as it can from the internal representation.
If you call it like

./parse_pto.py -p my.pto > its.pto

and then do a

diff -w my.pto its.pto

the result should be - nothing. Or a bunch of lines where the floating
point formatting is different, i.e. 0.0 instead of 0.00000
If the script fails to run through, throws an exception or produces
output the differs from the input by more than cosmetics I'd be
curious to know about it. So far error handling is marginal...
The scope of the script is more to be imported as a module into
another Python script. If you do that like:

import parse_pto

you can then proceed to do stuff like

scan = parse_pto.pto_scan ( my_pto_file )
print ( "first image: %s" % scan.i[0].n.value )

There are a lot of comments in the file; so far I haven't written
external documentation but concentrated on adding verbose comments.

So much for now

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