Ok to answer this mail in a rather politely way i will recall the following:
1.- I clearly stated before that i was not a programmer...
2.- The reason that i dont work in a group or under a group is because i
didn´t know they even existed
3.- I don´t know how translating works AS YOU RECALL I ASKED BEFORE WHAT
SOFTWARE TO USE, hence that shows that im a newbie to this
4.- The original spanish translation had and still has typos...
5.- I did or dont know there are rules on how to post in the group if there
are any...
6.- I sent a mail before regarding a problem with BOOST LIBRARYto upgrade
hugin via command line, being the fact that i havent received a decent reply
yet as to how to solve the problem...
7.- I did upload the file but not to Hugins repository since i dont have a
working account there...So, is there any responsability for that
comment???sure you asked me if they could be included, but again, i do not
have any acces permission to the hugin repository...i merely  attached a
 .po file...
8.- Again, i do not know how to use POEDIT,,,or any other .po program...I
merely used the program to translate some badly translated strings.
9.- I never asked for friends starting with this, the main reason that i
offered to help is because i like working with the program and i saw MANY
ERRORS in the spanish translation....
10.- You may call me a political internet group ignorant or feel free to use
whatever term you desire, as i dont have any problems with it, since it is a
fact that A) Im not a programr B) I havent use this kind of comunication
before C) No one has been kind to me to inform if there are any rules as how
to post/reply any answers in the hugin ptx group
11.- Regarding to point 10 i havent seen any rules about it...

to answer your 4th,5th, 6th and seventh point, again,  A) no one informed me
of any rules regarding it, B) I havent been properly introduced to a team

C) I AM NOT A PROGRAMMER....i could contribute only with translations

lastly, the only reason i use a nick is because of a google mail option i
triggered before and cant quite remember yet which was it...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch>
Date: Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: [hugin-ptx] Re: Attn translators: BugFix = added translation
string, sorry.
To: hugin-ptx@googlegroups.com

On December 22, 2010 08:23:56 pm john doe wrote:
> i didnt upload the file yuval did it..

It's called garbage-in garbage-out, and you better look at what you are
before pushing the responsibility onto others.

*You* uploaded the files [0][1] to this mailing list.  I asked if they
be included and you [2] agreed.

To be perfectly honest with you, I did this only to get a nuisance off my
back.  I should not have put on the political correctness filter from the
start,  even if this means adding another entry to my long enough list of
"online-friends".  It's never too late to remove the political correctness
filter, so here is some feedback to you, John Doe aka. Guerrero de Luz aka.
Ernesto Enrique Alvarado Viloria:

1.  FACT: es_la is a locale that does not exist [3][4].  es_la.po is a
completely harmless file, because nobody will ever use it.

2.  FACT: all of *your* posted/contributed files fail the basic test of
`msgfmt -c --statistics`

3.  It is the responsibility of every contributor - whether coder, builder,
translator, to make sure that they know what they are doing.  Things are
documented well enough that for most thing the answers you are looking for
at [5] (for translators) and at [6] (for bleeding edge Ubuntu users).

4.  Most translations are contributed by *teams*.  In a team, people work
together.  I have not seen you working together with anybody.

5.  Team members are aware of each other.  I have not seen you aware of
others' work or advice.

6.  Team members try to find an answer to their question in the
before asking others to find it for them.

7.  Team members take responsibility for their work and mistakes, not push
onto others.

8.  I have not seen any positive behavior from you on Hugin-PTX and I was
happy that you did put yourself in a sandbox (es_la.po) where you could not
affect Hugin and its main Spanish-language translation.  Unfortunately this
was short-sighted thinking of mine:  the problem is not going away.  My
mistake.  Maybe this feedback will solve it, one way or another.

9.  Using pseudonyms does not help to make you more credible or likable.

10.  Flooding the mailing list with plenty of trivial questions that are
answered in the documentation only makes you look like a troll.  I explained
to you in private conversation a couple of weeks ago how to get the latest
Hugin for your platform, so WTF is [7]?

11.  "Ideas" such as [8] only serve to show how little you understand of
software in general and Open Source software in particular.

To be perfectly honest with you, the behavior I am seeing from you on Hugin-
PTX made me classify you as troll.  And the best strategy for trolls is to
ignore/dismiss them.  If you don't get much answer in the future, you know

If you want to become a contributor to Hugin, please stop trolling and learn
to be a team player, collaborate with others, understand what you are doing
and how it affects (or not) the project.

Yuv (the politically incorrect)

[0] http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx/msg/7de46f95531c9a6b
[1] http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx/msg/bbe7b4794733770c
[2] http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx/msg/1652c2d8de6ae88a
[3] http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/all/locales/filelist
[4] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0h88fahh%28VS.85%29.aspx
[5] http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_translation_guide
[6] http://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_Compiling_Ubuntu
[7] http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx/msg/bfe58676cb464757
[8] http://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx/msg/9c72c0c951910a63

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