On 31 Dez., 01:59, Bruno Postle <br...@postle.net> wrote:

> Hugin is also the de-facto panorama stitcher on Linux.  If Hugin was
> purely for experts then an Open Source stitcher for holiday photos
> would need to be created - This would have to have practically all
> the functionality of Hugin (except the XYZ mosaic stuff, HDR and
> exposure fusion, and some of the more obscure projections).

Hugin light.

Other programs hide complexity by default and can be switched into
more advanced, or 'expert' modes, where more options become available.
The recent discussion about the 'optimize all' button in the optimizer
tab (and the decision to remove it) has shown that less can be more:
if a user progresses beyond a simple standard interface and chooses to
use an 'expert' mode, he will be much more aware of the fact that in
this mode things may take some effort to get right and may go wrong
spectacularly if not used appropriately.

Maybe this would be an option for hugin too? I always found that the
presentation of assistant mode as one tab of several, with the others
doing all sorts of 'expert' stuff, didn't make the intention clear
that assistant mode should enable the user to get a decent standard
stitch without using the other tabs.


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