On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Stefan Peter <s_pe...@swissonline.ch> wrote:

> Hi folks
> Am 19.01.2011 03:27, schrieb phartz...@gmail.com:
>> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 10:19 AM, grow <george...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> echo: write: Bad file descriptor
>> gnumake: *** [info] Error 1
> I'm not a mac user myself, so please take this with a grain of salt:
> This error message has been emitted by gnu make. Now, the error message
> itself seems to originate from echo, a small utility you find as
> /bin/echo in most unix systems.
> Inspecting the <panoname>.pto.mk generated by hugin shows that echo is
> used to provide feedback concerning the progress and eventual errors.
> When using the "Stitch now" button in hugin, a window is opened that
> will be used to display these messages.
> The sole purpose of this echo utility is to display text in a console.
> Could it be possible that, probably only this one special version from
> mac os 10.5.4 has a problem emitting text not to a physical console, but
> a wx console widget (or whatever it is called)?
> Some tests may clarify this
> o Try to send your project to the batch processor (I hope this
>  does exist in the mac version of hugin, too). Make sure
>  you have disabled the "Verbose output" option
> o Open a shell, change to the project directory, and use
>  "make -f <projectname>.pto.mk"
>  to start the stitching
> If one of these tests are successful, the echo utility may be the culprit.

  Sir, you are a scholar, and I thank you.  I downloaded the Macintosh
"ptbatcher" GUI having not previously needed it or having ever used
it.  I loaded my .pto file into the batch processor, and voila,
obtained a fine stitched pano output image.  Your above theory seems
to be quite correct, and because I was thinking the problem was
related to a specific OS version, we appear to both be vindicated.
myself with my suspicion and yourself with your solution.

  Hopefully, this workaround can be eliminated through finding a means
that will enable the Hugin application to be able to stitch regardless
of peculiarities that may appear between various recent versions of
the Macintosh operating system.  In the meantime, other Mac users
having similar difficulties should take note.

  Again, thanks.


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