On Wed 19-Jan-2011 at 18:46 +0100, Stefan Peter wrote:
Am 19.01.2011 03:27, schrieb phartz...@gmail.com:
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 10:19 AM, grow <george...@gmail.com> wrote:

echo: write: Bad file descriptor
gnumake: *** [info] Error 1

This error message has been emitted by gnu make. Now, the error message
itself seems to originate from echo, a small utility you find as
/bin/echo in most unix systems.

In most shells 'echo' is a built-in command and /bin/echo is similar but different. So the behaviour will depend on the default shell, or the origin of the /bin/echo tool, or both (which could vary between OS X releases).

The .pto.mk file assumes that the shell is 'bash', so this problem could be fixable by forcing the shell in the .pto.mk file:


(we should maybe do this anyway)

If this doesn't work, something else to try would be forcing the echo command instead:



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