Hi Pablo,

many thanks for this very quick response. I have to have the latest
dev Version. Where do i get this one? Do i need to compile it myself?

Thanks, Can

On 21 Jan., 09:38, "Pablo d'Angelo" <pablo.dang...@web.de> wrote:
> Hi Carl,
> On 21 Jan., 09:07, Can-C. Dörtbudak <doertbu...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > same problem for me. I've tried the fullscale option and sieve1size
> > etc. as well. I can't find control points in the pictures of my
> > walimex fish eye. If somebody wants to verify this here is the link to
> > the pictures:http://www.doertbudak.de/test_can.zip
> I just tried your images and it worked fine with the current
> development version, and the default cpfind settings.
> Hugin 2010.4 will NOT work, you need the most recent development
> version (harrys latest OSX build might work too, although it doesn't
> yet contain a proper RANSAC for fisheye images).
> I did the following steps:
> 1. Load images
> 2. Set full frame fisheye, HFOV
> 3. Press Align button
> And this properly connected all images, even though the overlap is
> quite small.
> ciao
>  Pablo

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