On February 12, 2011 10:38:15 pm Daniel Reetz wrote:
> AFAIK, Hugin always searches the entire area of each image for control
> points. I use Hugin for all kinds of image registration [1], and often
> I would get much better results if I could specify a "region of
> interest" where the CP generator could search.

Or specify a "region of interest" and discard all CPs generated outside it.

> Is this possible with the present version of Hugin? Is there a trick
> to getting the Align Images step to search in a limited area in each
> image?

Not AFAIK, but there are some elements that can be "re-purposed" for your 

If I understand your application correctly, you would like to have CPs 
generated on the object to synthetically focus on.  You will need to mask that 
object in one way or another?  Hugin has a mask editor.  The one function that 
would need to be implemented to achieve your expeted result is pruning CPs 
that are outside (or inside) a selected mask.  Not excessively difficult to 

There are other pruning mechanism within Hugin as well, but they may not be 
helpful in your case.

Celeste prunes control points from the sky.  Initially we wanted to exclude 
the sky from the CP generation, but it turned out to be computationally more 
efficient to do it the other way around.

"clean control points" (a button on the Images tab) prunes statistical 
outliers.  Must press the button a few times.  I found it to be excellent at 
removing CPs from moving subjects; and very good at removing CPs from 
foreground subjects (those pesky CPs that are more parallax-affected than the 
far away CPs).

> Of course I can set CPs manually, but it's a lot of work.

You don't want that.  That said, adding CP's manually in Hugin is a very fast 
process.  Click left, click right, right-click.  You don't have to position 
your mouse perfectly on the spot on the left and right image.  On right-
clicking Hugin fine-tunes the location of the CP, so you just need to target 
the approximate area (+/- 10pixels).


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