OpenCV can do this...

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Yuval Levy <> wrote:

> On February 12, 2011 10:38:15 pm Daniel Reetz wrote:
> > AFAIK, Hugin always searches the entire area of each image for control
> > points. I use Hugin for all kinds of image registration [1], and often
> > I would get much better results if I could specify a "region of
> > interest" where the CP generator could search.
> Or specify a "region of interest" and discard all CPs generated outside it.
> > Is this possible with the present version of Hugin? Is there a trick
> > to getting the Align Images step to search in a limited area in each
> > image?
> Not AFAIK, but there are some elements that can be "re-purposed" for your
> application.
> If I understand your application correctly, you would like to have CPs
> generated on the object to synthetically focus on.  You will need to mask
> that
> object in one way or another?  Hugin has a mask editor.  The one function
> that
> would need to be implemented to achieve your expeted result is pruning CPs
> that are outside (or inside) a selected mask.  Not excessively difficult to
> implement.
> There are other pruning mechanism within Hugin as well, but they may not be
> helpful in your case.
> Celeste prunes control points from the sky.  Initially we wanted to exclude
> the sky from the CP generation, but it turned out to be computationally
> more
> efficient to do it the other way around.
> "clean control points" (a button on the Images tab) prunes statistical
> outliers.  Must press the button a few times.  I found it to be excellent
> at
> removing CPs from moving subjects; and very good at removing CPs from
> foreground subjects (those pesky CPs that are more parallax-affected than
> the
> far away CPs).
> > Of course I can set CPs manually, but it's a lot of work.
> You don't want that.  That said, adding CP's manually in Hugin is a very
> fast
> process.  Click left, click right, right-click.  You don't have to position
> your mouse perfectly on the spot on the left and right image.  On right-
> clicking Hugin fine-tunes the location of the CP, so you just need to
> target
> the approximate area (+/- 10pixels).
> Yuv

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