On 11-02-13 09:21 AM, Yuval Levy wrote:
On February 12, 2011 10:38:15 pm Daniel Reetz wrote:
AFAIK, Hugin always searches the entire area of each image for control
points. I use Hugin for all kinds of image registration [1], and often
I would get much better results if I could specify a "region of
interest" where the CP generator could search.
Or specify a "region of interest" and discard all CPs generated outside it.

Is this possible with the present version of Hugin? Is there a trick
to getting the Align Images step to search in a limited area in each
Not AFAIK, but there are some elements that can be "re-purposed" for your

If I understand your application correctly, you would like to have CPs
generated on the object to synthetically focus on.  You will need to mask that
object in one way or another?  Hugin has a mask editor.  The one function that
would need to be implemented to achieve your expeted result is pruning CPs
that are outside (or inside) a selected mask.  Not excessively difficult to

I believe cpfind is already exclude mask aware. Just set an exclude mask on any parts of an image where you don't want control points, run cpfind, and you'll get control points only in regions that haven't been excluded.

Here's an example:



Bob Bright
Vancouver Island Digital Imaging
(250) 857-9887

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