Hi Harry,

thanks for the new build! Do you know by chance if it already contains my latest translations (<https://bugs.launchpad.net/hugin/+bug/726739>)? I still see some original strings, and I also found a typo in a tooltip that needs to be corrected ('Eistellungen im Reiter "Belcihtung"' instead of 'Einstellungen im Reiter "Belichtung"').


Harry van der Wolf schrieb am 05.03.11 20:51:
Hi mac users,

I built hugin 2011.0 and ptbatchergui for OSX. As usual they can be
downloaded from my website.

Note: this is the straightforward 2011.0. The issue we have with
stitching on Leopard is most probably still there.

Note2: I mentioned an issue earlier with the fast preview screen. That
was an issue due to the fact that I had the python hugin cmake version
installed. Somehow "XCode" hugin got linked against that cmake one. I
removed the cmake one, recompiled the XCode version and now it's OK.

As always: Information and binaries via my website
(The binaries themselves are served from hugin.panotools.org
<http://hugin.panotools.org/> who kindly provide the disk space and

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