I assume you mean 2011.

On Mar 2, 12:47 pm, Matthew Petroff <matt...@mpetroff.net> wrote:
> Windows binaries for Hugin 2010.1.0-beta2 are now available:
> (ignore the previous links as they were incorrectly named beta1
> instead of beta2)
> 32-bit (no 
> installer):http://sourceforge.net/projects/hugin/files/hugin/hugin-2011.0_beta/H...
> 32-bit 
> installer:http://sourceforge.net/projects/hugin/files/hugin/hugin-2011.0_beta/H...
> 64-bit (no 
> installer):http://sourceforge.net/projects/hugin/files/hugin/hugin-2011.0_beta/H...
> 64-bit 
> installer:http://sourceforge.net/projects/hugin/files/hugin/hugin-2011.0_beta/H...
> Matthew
> On Feb 27, 7:27 pm, Yuval Levy <goo...@levy.ch> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > Hugin-2011.0.0_beta2 RELEASE NOTES
> > Hugin is a panorama stitcher and more.  A new version is available.
> > A small error passed through the beta1.  Please use this tarball instead.
> >https://launchpad.net/hugin/2011.0
> > The purpose of the schedule is to make the process as predictable as 
> > possible
> > so that contributors can plan for their own contributions (e.g. translations
> > and bug fixes) and distributors can plan for the binary builds.
> > The schedule is just an indication.  The release will happen when it is 
> > ready.
> > The 2010.4beta2 source tarball can be downloaded
> > * from sourceforge 
> > athttp://sourceforge.net/projects/hugin/files/hugin/hugin-2011.0_beta/h...
> > * from launchpad 
> > athttp://launchpad.net/hugin/2011.0/2011.0beta2/+download/hugin-2011.0....
> > This is a source code release.  For executables see below.
> > This tarball is equivalent to rev/changeset 5047:f7ea2426b8de in our 
> > Mercurial
> > repository, where it is also tagged 2011.0beta2
> > Verify its SHA1SUM
> > d625af818cec0e9f9dbe4d1bfed8453c56dd2d85  hugin-2011.0.0_beta2.tar.bz2
> > Users communities produce executables for their respective platforms.
> > A number of users have built recent snapshots and executables are likely to 
> > be
> > announced within a few days of this tarball release.
> > Watchhttp://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptxforthe announcements of binary
> > releases.  If you don't see a binary for your platform it has most likely 
> > not
> > been produced yet.  Consider stepping up to the task.  Instructions at
> >http://wiki.panotools.org/Development_of_Open_Source_tools#Supported_...
> > Announce your build onhttp://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx
> > New strings have been added.  Now is a good time to help update your 
> > language.
> > Instructions athttp://wiki.panotools.org/Hugin_translation_guide
> > To promote artists using Hugin the project will adopt a user-contributed
> > artwork to enrich the splash screen of this release.  Selection of the
> > artwork is by popular vote.
> > Vote athttp://www.photopla.net/hugin/2011.0.artwork.html
> > Details 
> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx/t/44f1834f0d18c2d8http://gro...
> > Entries are still accepted and voting goes on until a few days before the
> > first release candidate.
> > If you miss this cycle you will get an opportunity to enter your
> > artwork for the next release cycle.
> > This release of Hugin is dedicated to Claudius Ptolemaeus and Marinus of 
> > Tyre.
> > Details in the About menu.
> > CHANGES SINCE 2010.4.0
> > Only two months have passed since our last release and yet there have been
> > major changes.  Hugin's own control point generator cpfind has been
> > significantly improved; the last project from the 2010 Google Summer of Code
> > has been integrated; many general improvements have been made.
> > _Improved Built-in Control Points Generator_
> > Cpfind's detection ability has been significantly improved, especially for
> > wide angle (> FOV 65°) images, fisheye images, and rotated images.  
> > Annecdotal
> > evidence shows it to be more accurate than any other CP detector ever used
> > with Hugin.  A thorough, scientifical comparision against other CP detectors
> > is welcome.  If you have well formed comparison results, please publish a 
> > link
> > on the Hugin mailing list athttp://groups.google.com/group/hugin-ptx/
> > _Improved Fast Preview_
> > An Overview pane has been added to the Fast Preview window.  Users can now
> > interact with the panosphere like in a virtual reality viewer in real time
> > and visualize all areas of the panorama with little distortion, including
> > the zenith and nadir that are typically excessively distorted in the flat
> > preview.
> > It is now possible to drag individual images or arbitrary groups of images
> > on the panosphere in the fast preview.
> > A new gray point picker has been added for visual white balance correction.
> > _Registration of Stereo Images_
> > align_image_stack is commonly used for the alignment of slightly misaligned
> > images, e.g. for creating a High Dynamic Range image  from multiple 
> > exposures
> > when the camera was hand held.
> > It has been extended with additional functionality for the registration of
> > stereo images.
> > _Other Improvements_
> > * Man pages are now compressed and the generation is integrated in the CMake
> >   process (Linux).
> > * New Thoby projection modeling 10.5mm Nikkor fisheye lens
> > * Improved support for some keyboard shortcuts
> > * New Preferences: output file format (LDR only)
> > * This release has the usual bugfixes and adds minor features.
> > _Libraries and Build_
> > * Support has been added for gcc-4.6 compiler.
> > * Libpano13 needs to be at least 2.9.18
> > _Control point generators_
> > Since 2010.4 Hugin ships with its own 'Patent Free' control point generator.
> > Third-party generators are still supported through the plug-in architecture.
> > CPFind is the recommended control point generator and the only one that has
> > the endorsement of the Hugin project team.
> > _Upgrading_
> > Upgrading from previous versions of Hugin should be seamless. If you do have
> > problems with old settings, these can be reset in the Preferences by 
> > clicking
> > 'Load defaults'.
> > It is strongly recommeded to set the default control point detector to
> > Hugin's CPFind.
> > _Compiling_
> > For users compiling from source:
> > * Hugin uses the wxWidgets GUI toolkit version >=2.7.0.
> >   2.9 support is experimental. 2.8.11 is recommended.
> > * boost >=1.34 is required.  The following boost libraries are used:
> >    * filesystem
> >    * graph
> >    * iostreams
> >    * regex
> >    * signals
> >    * system
> >    * thread
> > * Hugin requires a libtiff library with LZW support.
> > * Hugin depends on libpano13 version >=2.9.18
> > * Hugin requires GLEW the OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library,
> >   freeglut the OpenGL utility toolkit, and libGLU the OpenGL utility 
> > library.
> > * On Linux/Unix systems, libaries are now installed in a private location.
> >   This simplifies things for users who want to run multiple versions of 
> > Hugin
> >   simultaneously.
> > * On Linux/Unix systems, Hugin can be compiled with gcc-4.4.4, gcc-4.5.1,
> >   and gcc-4.6.
> > * On Windows, Hugin can be compiled with MSVC 2008 and MSVC 2010.
> >   The (free) Express Edition is enough, although it lacks OpenMP support.
> > For more information, see the README and INSTALL_cmake files 
> > andhttp://wiki.panotools.org/Development_of_Open_Source_tools#Build_your...
> > Thanks to all the contributors to this release and members of the hugin-ptx
> > mailing list, too many to mention here.
> > Hugin can be found 
> > athttp://hugin.sourceforge.net/andathttps://launchpad.net/hugin
> > CHANGES SINCE 2011.0beta1
> > 2011-02-27 17:59 -0500  Yuval Levy  <y...@users.sourceforge.net>  
> > (389a9ec2f198)
> >         * src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/dedication.png: new file.
> >         * src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/dedication.png:
> >         added dedication image
> > 2011-02-27 16:00 +0100  dmakreshanski  
> > <dmakreshan...@users.sourceforge.net>  
> > (4f69d96e6c47)
> >         * src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp,
> >         src/hugin1/hugin/ToolHelper.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/ToolHelper.h:
> >         grid checkbox now disables panosphere grid as well
> > 2011-02-27 16:24 +0100  dmakreshanski  
> > <dmakreshan...@users.sourceforge.net>  
> > (6a752a3126ea)
> >         * src/hugin1/hugin/PanosphereSphereTool.cpp,
> >         src/hugin1/hugin/PanosphereSphereTool.h: new file.
> >         * src/hugin1/hugin/CMakeLists.txt,
> >         src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp,
> >         src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.h,
> >         src/hugin1/hugin/PanosphereSphereTool.cpp,
> >         src/hugin1/hugin/PanosphereSphereTool.h,
> >         src/hugin1/hugin/ProjectionGridTool.cpp:
> >         separated transparent semi transparent sphere from panosphere
> >         projection grid tool
> > 2011-02-27 17:29 +0100  dmakreshanski  
> > <dmakreshan...@users.sourceforge.net>  
> > (8c9f5574237c)
> >         * src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp:
> >         toggle buttons for images in fast preview now have variable width
> >         from 0-9, 10-99 and 100+
> > 2011-02-27 18:09 +0100  dmakreshanski  
> > <dmakreshan...@users.sourceforge.net>  
> > (b100f89a898d)
> >         * src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp:
> >         memory free for the new panosphere_sphere_tool missed in previous
> >         commit
> > 2011-02-27 20:52 +0100  tmodes  <tmodes>  (f7ea2426b8de [2011.0beta2])
> >         * src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.cpp:
> >         [Windows] Improved mouse event handling to get mouse wheel events in
> >         GLCanvas [725667]
> > Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> ...
> read more »

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