Dane schrieb am 05.03.11 21:40:
I see an heavy grid in the fast preview window, and no way to turn it
off. It looks like I am looking thru a fence.

Hi Dane,

just click the button 'Show/Hide' to display the docked Overview window.
Unclick the 'Grid' checkbox to hide the grid.

A well hidden UI element...

Also note that clicking the small pin icon in the header of the docked Overview area will show a floating window instead (or just click and drag the Overview title bar). To put that floating window back in a docked position just drag it in either the top, bottom, left or right boundary of the preview's actual image area.

Note to developers: the floating window behaviour of the Overview is buggy on OS X, see <https://bugs.launchpad.net/hugin/+bug/726997>.


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