Hullo All,

On Fri, 02 Sep 2011 09:21:14 +1000, Terry Duell <> wrote:


Thanks to everyone involved.
Is the new code available for building and testing?

Sorry, that question could have been better thought out.
I have now got the default from the hg repo and will attempt to build and test a Fedora package. I have found that 'cmake .' and 'make package_source' generates 'enblend-4.1.1-Source.tar.gz', which doesn't contain a 'configure' file. This doesn't seem right. Also, is the version number correct? At this stage it isn't a release, is it? I would have expected something like 4.1-0.1 or somesuch, but this version number business has always been a bit of a bewilderment to me :-)

Terry Duell

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