> > First impression: well done, good job, it is an improvement.
> > the beginner/advanced/expert switch shouldn't be hidden in the Settings
> >> menu

I don't see a point on adding extra buttons for this to the toolbar.
IMHO only function which are needed every day should be appear in the
toolbar. But in the daily work I don't think that someone is change
this level. A casual user should set the level to his needs and then
leave it. (Only when special features are necessary for a particular
project, then the level needs to be updated; but not every day.) So
for me the menu item is sufficient.

> > Agree.  Also: I have not understood the difference between advanced and
> > expert.  At least it was not immediately apparent to me.  Are three level
> > of usage necessary, or would two be enough?
> I have the same question.

Then I will solve the riddle:
In beginner only the basic function are shown (also the stitcher tab
shows only a reduced option set).
In advanced support for stacks and HDR is possible.
And in expert finally the translation parameters are shown and can be
optimized. Also the output layer/stacks are only shown in expert mode.
Because when this groups are shown the GUI can become slow responding.

> I would prefer more clarity to the used mode as well but I don't like
> fiddling with background colors. Some interfaces are really terrible color
> wise and I prefer the grey backgrounds of many programs: It's the easiest
> and most comfortable for the eye. (I'm not a big fan of "skinning" either
> for that matter). Next to that: It might influence color schemes/themes
> within all kind of OSes. That's not nice behavior.
> My preference would be to have a bold text (label) in the top right (or top
> left) saying: *"mode: Beginner"* or whatever mode you are working in. This
> text could also appear in the button bar (so much for "button" bar) if you
> want to keep the screen as clean as possible.

I implemented this label in changeset 7f384d763667.


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