2013/1/15 paul womack <pwom...@papermule.co.uk>

> Erik Krause wrote:
>> Am 14.01.2013 16:28, schrieb Robert Campbell:
>>> I recall it does output Canon's CR2 format
>> No, it doesn't. The files have the extension .CR2 but it's "CHDK raw"
>> that can only be read by very few programs and doesn't contain any metadata.
> It's probably worth pointing out that due to the limited nature of
> most P&S digital to analogue converter that the RAW files
> so generated are not quite as manipulable as the RAW
> file from a recent vintage DSLR.
> For the vast majority of purposes, it's better, even on a CHDK equipped
> P&S, to stay with JPEG.
>  BugBear

I don't understand your point. I agree that RAW without any metadata is
very limited, but DNG seems OK to me. I don't see where JPEG is better than
DNG (apart from the file size and writing speed)

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -

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