Hi all,

after the release of beta 1 of Hugin 2015.0 two weeks ago some bugs have 
been found and have been fixed.
So today we are release beta 2

The new source tarball can be downloaded at sourceforge and launchpad, as 

Verify its checksums
cb2cbcca4d23511d845840d78ed5c2c1  hugin-2015.0.0_beta2.tar.bz2
3591fd4ea4f1ba579b9a4ba61035810366fd835c  hugin-2015.0.0_beta2.tar.bz2

Changes since beta1
* Reactivate scripting interface
* Fixes several assert message errors
* Fixes a crash in control point editor
* Added option to optimize panorama after removing cp with edit cp tool
* Fix for man pages
* Renamed lensdb tool to hugin_lensdb

Beta 2 is identical to changeset 31a6f3742639 in our repository.

The necessary fixes for beta 2 have also changed some strings. So *all* 
translators please check your po file.
Also the translation needs more work. Since beta1 only 2 languages have 
been updated (thanks Thomas Pryds and Kornel Benko and sorry for the new 
So this is also a call for all translators: please update your po files.

The release notes are here 
They can also translated.

Users communities produce executables for their respective platforms. They 
will be announced in this thread.

* Hugin 2015.0 has a number of new features. Most of the changes are under 
the hood to improve stability, allow easier maintenance and easier addition 
of new features.
* The makefile based stitching engine has been replaced with direct calls 
to the underlying programs. This should reduce the overhead of calling the 
same program too often and so speed up the whole process. Hopefully this 
also allows the usage of more unusual characters in the filename. Instead 
of pto2mk and make we now have hugin_executor which can also be used for 
running the assistant from the command line.
* Hugin now has it's own blender, verdandi, based on a watershed algorithm, 
which has been included in 'nona'.  verdandi can be chosen as the blender 
by choosing "builtin" in the stitcher tab, and can also be set in  the 
Preferences. verdandi can also be called as a command line tool.
* The lensfun library has been removed as it did not fulfill our 
expectations. It has been replaced with our own camera and lens database 
which uses a data mining approach and operates automatically without user 
intervention. Geometric distortion and vignetting data have to be loaded 
* The fast preview window has a new tool to add or remove control points to 
selected areas in the output projection.
* Automatic exposure stack detection is now applied when loading images, 
and an option has been added to unlink image position when adding stacks.
* The fine-tune and auto-estimate functions in the control point tab have 
been made projection aware. It should now work also with images with 
different fov or different projections. The fine-tune feature has had a 
significant speed up when Hugin is compiled with the libfftw3 library 
* PTBatcherGUI has more choice for the end of the process: depending on the 
operating system the PTBatcherGUI can be closed, the computer can be shut 
down or send to the hibernate mode.
* PTBatcherGUI now shows the thumbnails when searching for images in 
* Many of the underlying tools in hugin are now able to use available cpu 

New tools added:
** verdandi: tool for image blending
** hugin_executor: stitching and run assistant from command line
** hugin_lensdb: tools for lens database maintenance

A list of frequently asked questions is available at: 
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