Claudio, I live in Honolulu.  If you’re ever here, I’ll buy you dinner.

Now to further clarify: you understand, I’m sure, that the full set of images goes from 0_1 through 330_4.  When you say “import all images into the same project” do you mean all 48?

And when you say “select only tiles that have common points”, that would mean, for example, “select 330_1, 330_2, 0_1, 0_2, 30_1, and 30_2” because those are the images that are adjacent to 0_1.  But did you mean “select those tiles in the same row that have common points”?

It’s late here now and I’m typing this on my iPad rather than my desktop so I won’t try to say more now.  Tomorrow morning I’ll get back to it.  Still not clear on how to get out of the “control points tab” and into the “optimizer” but I imagine I’ll see how in the morning.

I am having fun now.



On Jul 25, 2024, at 7:50 PM, Claudio Rocha <> wrote:

Just to clarify, import all images into the same project.
The rows of the panorama will be 0_1,  30_1, 60_1, and 90_1
then 0_2, 30_2, 60_2, 90_2 and so on.
Select only tiles that you know have common points and press "create control points".
<rows and columns.jpg>

move to the next selection and do the same thing for the next set:
<Screenshot from 2024-07-25 22-29-02.png>
 and so on
<Screenshot from 2024-07-25 22-31-47.png>
until you reach the end of the sets
<Screenshot from 2024-07-25 22-33-13.png>
In the optimizer make sure that everything is selected and press optimize now.
<Screenshot from 2024-07-25 22-37-25.png>
To preview the panorama open the GL preview window:
If everything went fine so far you should have a preview of the panorama

<Screenshot from 2024-07-25 22-42-07.png>

You might need to move/drag or rotate the image until the horizon line is "straight" (to move the image use the Move/Drag tab, press the mouse and move. to rotate press shift while pressing and moving the mouse)
The projection you choose will determine what happens to the panorama:




On Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 8:26:25 PM UTC-7 Claudio Rocha wrote:
1- optimizer will be enabled once you select custom parameters for Optimize Geometric
2- to delete control points go to the control points tab, select the images with common control points, select the offending control point and press delete
3- zip your images into a single file and make it available for others as "anyone who has the link". Google has the terrible habit of keeping tabs on anyone that is using shared anything, so some of us prefer to use a private broswer or alternative ways to access other people's files.
4- jpeg is a terrible format. Drop the habit of using jpeg files. Tiff is  larger and not very efficient, but much better quality. Once you have a file you like convert from tif to whatever crappy compressed format you want to use for display.
5- you don't need to stitch and re-stitch fragments of the image. What is important is that you find control points only for images that share common features. So think in rows and columns. Do not select all images and hit find control points, select only images that share common elements and find control points that way. Hugin can do the rest of the sitching for a large image.
6- Befriend yourself with the OpenGL representation of the stiched image before rendering, you can change the projection and, most importantly, the image placement or rotation within the projected stiched image.
7- The file size will depend on the canvas size (yes look for such an option on the Sticther tab.
8- straight is a fluid term when it comes to stritching panoramas, it depends on the projection and placement and rotation of the stitched images. You are trying to display something that can be interpreted in many different ways, all of them correct or incorrect depending on your expectations. read
9 have fun! 

On Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 7:06:04 PM UTC-7 wrote:
Making progress, I think.  I surely want to learn how to do this myself and do not want others to do it for me.  I did find the Expert interface; thanks Frederic and Claudio.  Here are some questions:

1.  Once in the "control points tab" how do I get out and be able to use the Optimizer?  ChatGPT (aka Chad) tells me how to do that, but once again what he tells me to do, and the things he tells me are on the screen simply are not there.

2.  The "Align..." option found 24 control points, but I added some to control whether or not the buildings are straight.  How do I remove (delete) a control point?

3.  Since my images are all around 9 - 10 MB, I do not know how to send them to the group without putting them on a google drive page.  Is there a way to do that, or should I go into Photoshop and make them smaller?  If I do that, I'm afraid I might lose some resolution.  But since you all are not actually doing the work, maybe that's ok.

4.  When I do run the stitcher, it seems to say that I can choose the prefix, but only allows me to say "all files", which makes no sense.  So it just makes the panorama a tif file.  Claudio -- did you save it as a jpeg or use photoshop to change it from a tif to a jpeg?

5.  Should I continue to try stitching these together four at a time, eight at a time, 12 at a time, or more?  Eventually, of course, I'll need to stitch together all 12, or all 4, or whatever. 

I know I've asked too many questions.  Hoping that I haven't turned you all off.

I'm sure I'll have more questions later, but thanks as always for your help.

I will try to attach the tif file that results from trying to stitch together 60_1, 60_2, 60_3 and 60_4.  Notice that the buildings are not as straight as Claudio's were.  (That file is over 40 MB.  How do I make it smaller?)



On Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 11:42 AM Claudio Rocha <> wrote:
Set the interface to expert. 
If you upload images, make it so that users don't have to download each one of them individually, and in a way that doesn't require a google drive account.
Detail what you are doing so that others can help you, but not do the work for you. :-)

On Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 1:45:34 PM UTC-7 wrote:
First I should mention that I re-took all 48 images since when I took them previously it was after 1:00 PM and the shadows of the tall buildings were too long.

I'm going to attach the first eight images again -- they have the same names but are new pictures of the same things -- and will attach the next eight as well, since they seem to be visible.

I don't know whether I should keep the text and images from the previous emails.  It seems to get very long if I don't.

I am having a lot of trouble with this.  I simply do not see the same things that others seem to see.  I never see a "control points tab". 

The buildings on the left side of my stitched image tilt to the left, and the buildings on the right side tilt to the right.  I was trying to follow the tutorial that explained how to straighten things, but I just don't see the same things.  Could it be that I'm not running the right version of Hugin?

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<Screenshot from 2024-07-25 22-37-25.png>
<Screenshot from 2024-07-25 22-31-47.png>
<rows and columns.jpg>
<Screenshot from 2024-07-25 22-29-02.png>
<Screenshot from 2024-07-25 22-33-13.png>
<Screenshot from 2024-07-25 22-42-07.png>

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