Jeff Squyres wrote:
> On Jan 6, 2010, at 3:26 PM, Samuel Thibault wrote:
>> Cédric Augonnet, le Wed 06 Jan 2010 21:20:48 +0100, a écrit :
>>> tar:
>>> hwloc-1.0a1r1568/doc/doxygen-doc/latex/structhwloc__obj__attr__u_1_1hwloc__bridge__attr__u_1_1hwloc__bridge__downstream__attr__u_1_1hwl68ed11ab93c48099bfcc01f3e8bca322.tex:
>>> file name is too long (cannot be split); not dumped
>> I'm wondering whether we could not just remove latex/ on distclean (but
>> keeping the generated PDFs).
> Wow -- doxy sure makes long filenames!  I'm amazed that even the ustar format 
> wasn't enough!
> If we want to whack the .tex files, we certainly can (and just include the 
> HTML and PDFs).  I don't think I have a strong feeling either way.

Are these tex files shipped because people might want to rebuild the PDF
? I am ok if we don't ship them.

But we still have to fix the HTML and manpage long filenames. We could:
* use shorter type names in the device attributes, but it'll be hard
anyway since we it's waaaaaay too long. doxygen didn't actually go the
lastest level of nested struct/unions: we have union hwloc_obj_attr_u ->
struct hwloc_bridge_attr_u -> union hwloc_bridge_downstream_attr_u ->
struct hwloc_bridge_downstream_pci_attr_u
* stop doing nested declarations of all these attribute union/structs so
that doxygen generates foo and bar instead of foo and foo_bar. but we'll
end up having many struct/union declarations and I think it would be
hard for people to read them while traversing the unique nested
declaration is easy.

I am looking for a way to tell doxygen to output foo and bar even when
bar is declared inside foo but I didn't find anything yet.


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