Jeff Squyres wrote: > I don't think we should let doxygen dictate the code that we write.
Agreed. Headers are already kind of the horrible :) > 1. make doxy do what we want > Setting SHORT_NAMES to YES in doxygen.cfg seems to help. html and latex filenames are replaced with things like a00026.html. But SHORT_NAMES does not rename manpages obviously. Fortunately, the long filenames are only for useless manpages, things like unions, and we don't even actually install them. So I tried replacing $(DOX_MAN_DIR) in make dist with $(man3_MANS) but it doesn't seem to help. I wonder whether EXTRA_DIST is actually used in doc/ Anyway, if we're going to drop latex files before building the tarball, maybe we can drop manpages that are not in $(man3_MANS) too? Brice