
Oops, sorry, this sentence is obsolete, I am removing it from the doc
right now.

We don't support the assembly of multiple machines in a single hwloc
topology anymore. For the record, this feature was a very small corner
case and it had important limitations (you couldn't bind things or use
cpusets unless you were very careful about which host you were talking
about), and it made the core hwloc code much more complex.

Thanks for the report

Le 05/02/2018 à 23:02, Madhu, Kavitha Tiptur a écrit :
> Hi
> I have a question on topology query. The hwloc 2.0.0 documentation
> states that "Additionally it may assemble the topologies of multiple
> machines into a single one so as to let applications consult the
> topology of an entire fabric or cluster at once.”. Since “system”
> object type has been removed from hwloc, does this statement mean that
> multiple “machine” nodes in the topology object would be combined to
> one? I can see in function“hwloc_topology_check” that machine node is
> at depth 0 and there are no machine nodes at depth other than 0. Can
> anyone confirm this?   
> Thanks 
> Kavitha
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