
First of all, sorry that the original message appeared twice. I had sent
it before I was subscribed to the list, then again when I was subscribed.
Seems that the moderator approved the original message now.

> > The problem is - these additonal keys don't bind to unused scancodes (as
> > the usual internet keyboards found in ./lib/X11/xkb/symbols/inet), but are
> > mapped on combinations of Shift+Control with a scancode already used for
> > normal keys. A few examples:
> >
> >     Sleep: Shift+Control+7
> >     Eject: Shift+Control+A
> >     Play:Shift+Control+F2
> >     Vol+:Shift+Control+F9
> >     etc.
> What do you mean? Shift+Control+7 is not a scan code.

As I said - "Shift+Control *with* a scancode already used", in this case,
the scancode of "7".

> Is this what you have to press in e.g. windows to "sleep"?

The extra button of this particular keyboard labeled "sleep" creates the
keyboard events

        shift key pressed
        control key pressed
        7 key pressed
        7 key released
        control key released
        shift key released

So if I press "Shift+Control+7" on the same keyboard, it does the same
thin in windows as the "sleep" button, yes.

I told you it's an odd product! :-)

> What do you mean? Do you ant a different behaviour for a different shift
> or a different control key? (there are two of each)

I want a different keyboard symbol coming out for "7" when it is pressed
with "Shift+Control". In this case, XF86Sleep.

> Also have a look at compat/group(ctrl_shift_toggle) for group shifting
> with ctrl-shift. Maybe make something similar, but replace groupe toggling
> with switching of group or of shift level. (I'm just thinking a loud)

Yes, I looked at that for inspiration. I had the same idea, but originally
hoped that there may be an easier way of doing it.

> > So, is there a _simple_ way to tell xkb to translate
> >
> >     Shift+Control+7 => XF86Sleep?
> Usually those things are much easier to define at the application level
> (e.g: window manager). Actually, configuring any window manager to execute
> a certain command on a certain key combination is usually *very easy*

Wandering off-topic here, but...

Oh, I wish it was. Actually, it's not quite *that* easy. In most cases, it
is very poorly documented (I spent the last two evenings reading the
Debian testing documentations of fvwm2, fluxbox, blackbox, WindowMaker,

E.g., I haven't yet figured out how to attach running a command like
"eject cdrom" or "increase mixer volume" to a keyboard shortcut in the KDE
2.2 window manager. One can only attach keyboard shortcuts to KDE events
like "close window" or "maximize window", but that's it.

Also, I'm still looking for a way to remap key presses to different
behaviour depending on the application that has the window manager's
keyboard focus.

E.g., mp3blaster uses a different "fast forward" shortcut than mplayer,
but they both don't allow configuring the keyboard shortcuts unless you
change the applications at the source level.

AFAIK, no window manager allows to do this kind of remapping keys in the X
event queue.

Ironically, the (in my opinion) ugliest window manager of them all - fvwm2
- is the one that is documented best and easiest to configure to handle
such special keys.

> Note that there isn't exactly an "event" XF86Sleep (you don't really need
> it uness you have a laptop or so. If you have a desktop, "sleep" usually
> gets in your way, and the sooner you disable APM, the better)

I wanted this multimedia keyboard to behave "correctly" under X by having
it return the special inet keyboard events of XKB - otherwise, there
wouldn't be any reason for the symbols/inet file in XF86 if we left
configuring all these keys to the users of the window managers... I also
want to submit the new keyboard definition rules for this keyboard to

And I don't want to discuss APM here, but I'm talking about an Intel-based
set-top-box where power management and suspend to disk *do* make sense.
Haven't had a single problem with APM in five years of running Linux...




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