On Thu, 7 Mar 2002, Hanno Mueller wrote:

> Hi,
> First of all, sorry that the original message appeared twice. I had sent
> it before I was subscribed to the list, then again when I was subscribed.
> Seems that the moderator approved the original message now.
> > > The problem is - these additonal keys don't bind to unused scancodes (as
> > > the usual internet keyboards found in ./lib/X11/xkb/symbols/inet), but are
> > > mapped on combinations of Shift+Control with a scancode already used for
> > > normal keys. A few examples:
> > >
> > >   Sleep: Shift+Control+7
> > >   Eject: Shift+Control+A
> > >   Play:Shift+Control+F2
> > >   Vol+:Shift+Control+F9
> > >   etc.
> >
> > What do you mean? Shift+Control+7 is not a scan code.
> As I said - "Shift+Control *with* a scancode already used", in this case,
> the scancode of "7".
> > Is this what you have to press in e.g. windows to "sleep"?
> The extra button of this particular keyboard labeled "sleep" creates the
> keyboard events
>       shift key pressed
>       control key pressed
>       7 key pressed
>       7 key released
>       control key released
>       shift key released
> So if I press "Shift+Control+7" on the same keyboard, it does the same
> thin in windows as the "sleep" button, yes.
> I told you it's an odd product! :-)
> > What do you mean? Do you ant a different behaviour for a different shift
> > or a different control key? (there are two of each)
> I want a different keyboard symbol coming out for "7" when it is pressed
> with "Shift+Control". In this case, XF86Sleep.
> > Also have a look at compat/group(ctrl_shift_toggle) for group shifting
> > with ctrl-shift. Maybe make something similar, but replace groupe toggling
> > with switching of group or of shift level. (I'm just thinking a loud)
> Yes, I looked at that for inspiration. I had the same idea, butoriginally
> hoped that there may be an easier way of doing it.
> > > So, is there a _simple_ way to tell xkb to translate
> > >
> > >   Shift+Control+7 => XF86Sleep?
> >
> > Usually those things are much easier to define at the application level
> > (e.g: window manager). Actually, configuring any window manager to execute
> > a certain command on a certain key combination is usually *very easy*
> Wandering off-topic here, but...
> Oh, I wish it was. Actually, it's not quite *that* easy. In most cases, it
> is very poorly documented (I spent the last two evenings reading the
> Debian testing documentations of fvwm2, fluxbox, blackbox, WindowMaker,
> KDE2.2...)

KDE, as usual, does not allow the user to easily do such things.

Blackbox (and maybe fluxbox as well) has a very minimalistic approach, and
I wouldn't be surprised if it would have relied on another program for
such operations.

A quick freshmeat search gives me:



> E.g., I haven't yet figured out how to attach running a command like
> "eject cdrom" or "increase mixer volume" to a keyboard shortcut in the KDE
> 2.2 window manager. One can only attach keyboard shortcuts to KDE events
> like "close window" or "maximize window", but that's it.
> Also, I'm still looking for a way to remap key presses to different
> behaviour depending on the application that has the window manager's
> keyboard focus.
> E.g., mp3blaster uses a different "fast forward" shortcut than mplayer,
> but they both don't allow configuring the keyboard shortcuts unless you
> change the applicationsat the source level.
> AFAIK, no window manager allows to do this kind of remapping keys in the X
> event queue.


icewm? (maybe)

Those are simple two WMs I know good enough. What you should look at is
the window class and window name.

> Ironically, the (in my opinion) ugliest window manager of them all - fvwm2
> - is the one that is documented best and easiest to configure to handle
> such special keys.

Careful not to start a flame war on such a sensetive subject :-)

The default configuration of fvwm in distros is indeed ugly, but given
enough times... (I figure that there are some cool screenshots in
www.fvwm.org as well ;-) )

> > Note that there isn't exactly an "event" XF86Sleep (you don't really need
> > it uness you have a laptop or so. If you have a desktop, "sleep" usually
> > gets in your way, and the sooner you disable APM, the better)

[ snip ]

> And I don't want to discuss APM here, but I'm talking about an Intel-based
> set-top-box where power management and suspend to disk *do* make sense.
> Haven't had a single problem with APM in five years of running Linux...

(I'm talking about the times I accidentally pressed this button on windows
;-) )


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