On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 01:06:45PM +1100, Roger So wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-03-22 at 08:10, Anthony Fok wrote:
> > > Heh.  Still better than the giant "switch ... case ... case ..." block
> > > that I first thought of. :)
> > Hehe, I simply inherited the "from_ucs4_idx" index table that was
> > originally in big5hkscs.c.  Did you wrote that, or Ulrich did?  :-)
> Upon closer examination, I think Ulrich did.  In the CVS log he said
> "regenerated from authoritative source" (or something like that).

Yes, Ulrich is really good at that and other arts.  Kudos to him.  :-)

> I think 11 tries is about right, but I'm not too sure.  (I did the Algo
> course a long time ago, or it seems like a long time ago...)  I can
> never design perfect hash functions, so I always use binary search
> instead, but that's just me. :)  Perhaps when I return home tonight I'll
> dig out my copy of TAOCP to find out...

You mean _The_ Art of Computer Programming by Donald Knuth?  (Drool...  :-)

> BTW GB 18030 has more parts than Big5-HKSCS that can be algorithmically
> converted to UCS-4, so it's normal to have it smaller than
> BIG5HKSCS.so.  Still, this _is_ fun stuff. :p 

Yes, fun stuff, but time-consuming too.  I'd better start on other tasks, or
I'm gonna get into trouble.  I'll leave the "fun stuff" for the holidays. 


Anthony Fok Tung-Ling
ThizLinux Laboratory   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.thizlinux.com/
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