On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 08:38:16PM +0600, Ivan Pascal wrote:
> >    - Also a new directory/tree for 3rd party stuff would be nice
> >    - Some maps are still not all correct. Speaking for myself, cz_qwerty
> >      map is missing, for instance. Should I add it (is it used to
> >      be in 4.2.1) or not
>   Oh, sorry. I can't guess how I missed it.

Bah, no problem to add it. The only problem is where to...

> > (I mean  -- the role of 'variants' is not very clear now)?
>   What is wrong with variants?

There is nothing wrong with variants as such. Not even with maybe
funny looking but perfectly logical XkbVariant list you introduced

But (as you can see on your own example below) are mostly about some
minor changes (winkeys, missing usefull keys or so) but it's not
about layout changes. Maybe there is no such other braindead map
as cz/cz_qwerty but it doesn't seem obvious to me. For example:

cz(winkeys) looks okay, but cz_qwerty(winkeys) is also meaningful.

How would this look if qwerty was a variant of cz?

>   I should explain.  Like the XkbOption now can be a list of layiouts
> the XkbVariant can be a list of variants too.  But since not all layouts
> need a variant the list can looks like
>   XkbVariant ",,qwertz"
>   I know it seems ugly but I can't invent something better.  On the other
> hand in most cases you can specify the variant directly with the layout
>   XkbLayout "us, cz(qwerty), ru(winkeys)"
> (It's a rather trick becouse the variant is not necessarily a subsection of
> a symbols file.  But in most cases it is.)

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